A campaign to help CMU faculty, grad students and other researchers obtain an ORCID® identifier (ID) and link their ORCID ID with their Andrew ID in the campus identity management system.
Why? The ability to quickly and confidently identify you and your work is critical to your reputation and career. Funders, publishers, scholarly societies and associations, fellow researchers and potential collaborators need to be able to accurately identify your work. Carnegie Mellon too needs to be able to accurately identify your work for myriad reasons, from institutional benchmarking to research recordkeeping.
Why ORCID? An ORCID ID uniquely and persistently identifies you throughout your career. It enables you to gather together works and data associated with other identity systems and institutions, including those maintained by funders and publishers. With ORCID, you maintain all key information in one place and control privacy settings, including what information is displayed publicly and what is shared with trusted partners.
What would you like to do?
and link it to my Andrew ID in the CMU identity management system
and link it to my Andrew ID the CMU identity management system